Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan Review

Review of: Famous Dave's Moisture Tan

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Comprehensive review of Famous Dave's Moisture Tan. See what the experts and actual users have to say about this self tanning product.

Famous Dave's Moisture TanProduct Name:  Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan

Overall Rating:  4.5stars

Product Type:  Lotion

Size:  8 ounces

Price:  $34.87 ($26.97 + $7.90 shipping)

Cost Per Ounce:  $4.35

Where To Buy:  Click here

Top 10 Ingredients:  Water, Propylene Glycol, Dihydroxyacetone, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetereth 20, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, Aloe Vera, NaPCA, Vitamin E

Overall Opinion:

Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan is one of the better self tanners available today.

It’s a simple formula that produces a nice color, doesn’t smell bad and lasts for 4-6 days.

The only negatives of this product may be the fact that it doesn’t have any tint, doesn’t get super dark and may be a little ‘thick’ for some.

Overall though this one isn’t a bad choice for those who want a clean, lighter-colored tan.

Detailed Review:

Look and Feel

Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan comes out as a white, almost chalky lotion.  It’s one of the thinker self tanners we’ve reviewed.


Applying this product is about average compared to other self tanning products.

It doesn’t have any tint or color guide to it, which some people like and others don’t.

On the plus side, it doesn’t create any mess.  And you look normal right after application (unlike products that do have tint, which can make you look like you’ve been slathered in barbecue sauce!)

The downside of no tint is you need to be a little more careful in making sure you’ve covered everywhere that needs to be covered.  If you miss a certain spot, you’ll have no way of knowing with this product.

The thickness of this product may be a concern for some people (making it harder to blend in), but for us it wasn’t a big deal.

Drying Time

Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan dries a little quicker than most other lotion-type products, but it does take some time.

As it’s drying, it doesn’t feel too bad although it is a tiny bit greasy.

When you combine it’s drying time and the fact that’s it’s white, you really don’t have to worry about this getting on your sheets. which is a major plus!

Smell (Before Application)

This product’s smell is best described as ‘neutral’.

It doesn’t smell bad– in fact, it kind of smells like aloe vera.

Smell (After Several Hours And The Next Day)

The smell mostly went away after application and we didn’t notice very much of the ‘self tanner smell’ that people are so appalled by.  The faint trace of odor wont bother too many people.

Color Produced

Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan produces a pretty nice shade of bronze.

It may be a little light for some, but if you’re light-skinned this may be a good one to try.

We didn’t notice any significant orangeness, streaking or blotchiness with this product.

How Long It Lasts

This product lasted about 4-6 days, which is pretty good compared to most self tanners.

One thing we did like, when it faded, it wasn’t too blotchy and patchy like with some other products.

OK For Men?

Yes, this one is definitely guy-approved.  It doesn’t have a lot of tint to it and the smell is neutral.


Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan appears at first glance appears to fall within an ‘average’ range price-wise ($26.97).

But for some reason, they charge $7.90 for shipping, which is kind of ridiculous.

It doesn’t cost  anywhere near $7.90 to ship a simple 8 ounce bottle (except to Alaska or Hawaii maybe).  They’re clearly profiting off the shipping charge.

So when you add that in, you’re looking at $34.87 per bottle for an 8 ounce bottle.

That works out to $4.35 an ounce, which isn’t too bad even including the silly shipping charge.

Where To Buy

To buy Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan, click here.

Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan:  Summary

Factor Famous Dave’s Moisture Tan
Overall Rating 4.5stars
Look and Feel Thick, chalky white-colored lotion
Application About average to apply.  No tint or color guide
Drying Time Dries in a reasonable amount of time for a lotion
Smell (Before) Smells like aloe vera
Smell (After) Smell mostly disappears after about a day
Color Produced Produces a nice, even color.  may be too light for some people
How Long It Lasts Lasts 4-6 days.  Which is pretty good
OK For Men? Definitely.  No tint and neutral smell make this a good choice
Price Costs $4.35 an ounce, not bad considering how well it works
Where To Buy Click here

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