6 Self Tanning Tricks You’ve Never Heard Of

self tanning tricksThink you’ve heard of all the self tanning tricks out there?

Think again!

The wonderful world of self tanning never ceases to inspire clever tips and tricks for application and removal.

Warmer weather is approaching and the clothes are coming off.

Are you ready for it?  More importantly, is your skin ready for it?

It’s time to get those buns tanned and ready for the beach.

We already know that a self tanner is an absolute necessity for a stunning glow, but there are a few clever tricks I can share with you to help with the process.

Listen up and take notes on these clever self tanning tricks:

1.  Mistake Makeover with… Curdled Milk

We’re off to a great start!

I’m sure you’ve heard of the trick of using a lemon slice to help reduce tanner streaks on your body.

However, this method isn’t recommended for your face, which is much more sensitive.

This is where curdled milk comes into play.

Make a DIY curdled milk mask by putting lemon juice into some milk.

Place a lemon wedge into the mixture and let it sit for an hour to allow the milk to curdle and become paste-like.

The lemon is able to activate a certain acid in the milk called alpha-hydroxy.

Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

Afterwards, you’ll get a gentle removal of self tanner from your face and be left with a glowing complexion. 

2.  Bust Breakouts With Ice Cubes

Even though we’ve successfully made it past puberty, breakouts still happen.

Sometimes our pores don’t seem to want to cooperate when applying self tanner.

A trick to seal your pores before applying self tanner is to rub an ice cube across your entire face.

Be sure to pat your face completely dry before applying the tanner (water and self tan is a no-no).

With your pores safely closed, you lessen the risk of having them become blocked up with the self tanner. 

3.  Give Your Tanning Mitt a Squeeze

One of the best ways to optimally apply self tanner is to use a tanning mitt.

A mitt is the best way to help evenly distribute the tanner onto your body.

A trick is to put the self tanner on your mitt and then clench your hand so the mitt folds in half.

This helps even out the lotion or mousse and avoids large globs going directly onto your skin.

Use the mitt-squeeze method when applying tanner to stubborn areas like elbows, ankles, knees, hands, and your face. 

4.  Hide the Hairline With a Toner

The hairline is notorious for being a self tanner giveaway.

This area often shows a dark streak of self tanner that is unsightly.

To help even out the color, apply a cotton ball dab of toner along your hairline after you’ve applied your self tanner.

This will create a fainter, more natural looking line between your skin and hair.

5.  Electric Shaver

Exfoliating, shaving, and showering are all standard, beginning practice if you want your tan to look its best and last longer.

However, sometimes we forget or simply don’t have the time for a big shaving production.

All is not lost!

Use an electric razor to shave.

This will remove your top layer of hair without sacrificing your entire tan.

6.  Use Frozen Peas For Dot-Free Legs

Just like we mentioned using an ice cube to close pores, frozen peas can do the same for your legs.

Since there is much more surface area on your legs, a single ice cube just won’t cut it.

Before applying your self tanner, rub a bag of frozen peas along each leg after shaving.

Pat legs dry before applying tanner.

This will help seal your pores and prevent those pesky dark dots from forming on your legs.

A Final Note…

The next time your applying or removing your self tanner, be sure to keep these newfound tricks in mind.

Also, be sure to start with a quality self tanner.

Check out the 10 best self tanners to get a gorgeous, natural looking glow.

Stay tuned for more tanning tricks and tips!


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Category: Facts About Self Tanning, Self Tan, Self Tanning Tips

About the Author

Emily Andrews is the Editor-In-Chief of SelfTanning.com. As you can imagine, Emily loves anything and everything having to do with self tanning! She's also a big fan of shopping (duh), tiny Yorkies and football.