Do Fitness Models Use Sunless Tanners?
Up until recently Victoria Secret Angels and High Fashion Vogue Models had every girl wishing they were skinny enough to walk the runway. Even Kate Moss is famous for saying “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”.
Obviously Kate hasn’t tasted the Doritos Locos Taco from Taco Bell…
But more recently a fitness trend has broken out among society. “Strong Is the New Skinny” is the trending motto. Frail and pail is being trumped by strong and tan. And taking the place of runway shows is the ever growing world of Fitness Modeling, and more specifically, fitness models.
After 19 weeks of rigorous physical training and disciplined dieting the athletes are almost ready for their competition. The only thing they’re missing to be show ready is the deep dark SCARY mahogany tan.
Definitely not the type of tan that anyone would want to be sporting on a regular basis.
… unless you’re Snooki of course.
But this type of tan is very important for the athletes during their competition. The darker the tan, the more muscle definition that the judges will see.
To get that dark they use a special regimen for tanning and “paint” themselves with special competition tanner.
Every athlete is different, but some professional competitors start their tanning regimen about 4 weeks out from their competition by visiting the tanning salons. In addition to tanning beds they book multiple sessions for spray tans and then “paint” themselves with tanner the day before the competition.
But before painting can even begin they must exfoliate for at least a month before tanning.
And I’m not talking a nice scrub brush…
I’m talking a fiber brush, scrubbing the whole body. This not only aids in promoting an already healthy complexion, but will create what they see as a gorgeous smooth canvas for the paint to be applied to.
After scrubbing they need to shave every hair on their body to make a smooth surface for the paint.
Two common competition “paint” tanners are Jan Tana Hi-Definition Formula and Pro Tan Competition Formula.
It takes about two hours to coat the body two times, and it’s best to do the initial painting while nude.
… obviously I wouldn’t have it any other way :)
The tanning happens instantly, right after the first application.
Usually competitions are on Saturday, and those who are fair skinned have to start the “painting” process on Wednesday. They will paint themselves Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night and Saturday before the show for maximum color.
For about a week after the show it will look like some weird aggressive skin symptoms as the paint flakes off in terrible fashion.
I wouldn’t advise you use these tanning products unless you’re training for a fitness competition.
For everyone else, I’d stick to our list of the 10 best self tanners.
Those will give you all the benefits of tan skin, without all the craziness that fitness models put themselves through to look good!
Have you had a different experience with competition tanners? Let us know by visiting our page on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus.
Category: Facts About Self Tanning, Self Tanning For Men