5 Simple Things You Must Do To Keep Yourself Safe When Spray Tanning At A Salon

Spray Tanning SafetyLet’s start out by stating the obvious.

You know that using self tanning products at home like lotions, creams, gels, and mousses is extremely safe and is a much smarter way to get tan than baking in the sun or hopping in a tanning bed.

DHA, the main ingredient in every self tanning product, has been used by tens of millions of people and has been approved by the FDA for over 40 years!

But what about if you go to the local tanning salon to get a spray tan?

Is that safe?

The answer is pretty straightforward.

Spray Tan Alternative?For the most part, yes — as long as you follow a few common-sense guidelines.

Before we get to those guidelines, here’s the most important thing you should know.

The FDA has approved DHA for external use only.

In fact, here’s what it says on their website:

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) may be safely used in amounts consistent with good manufacturing practice in externally applied cosmetics intended solely or in part to impart a color to the human body.

All that means is they’re not sure about the effects of DHA when you inhale it, eat it, or get it on your mucous membranes (eyes, inside of nose, lips, genitals).

Now, these aren’t really issues when you’re applying a product onto your skin at home.

But if you’re going to get a spray tan at a tanning salon, you have to be careful you don’t inhale it or get it on your lips, in your eyes or up your nose.

Here’s What You Should Do To Make Sure You’re Protected

The salon industry along with the FDA has come up with 5 precautions you can follow to reduce your risk of inhaling DHA or getting it where it shouldn’t be.

Let’s go over each one briefly…

Spray Tan Tip #1:  Use protective eyewear anytime the “mist” is going to hit your face.
Most reputable tanning salons will offer you some type of plastic piece that you can use to cover your eyes.  There are a few different brands that salons offer.

Spray Tan Tip #2:  Use nose filters to keep yourself from inhaling any of the mist.
There are a number of different ‘devices’ that you can use to keep your nose closed so none of the tanning mist gets in your nose (or your lungs).  Also, be sure to hold your breath as long as possible as the spray is coming out.

Spray Tan Tip #3:  Use lip balm on our lips.
Lips are considered a mucous membrane.  And that’s one of the areas where the FDA doesn’t want spray tanning mist to get.  So keep them covered.

Spray Tan Tip #4:  Use ‘protective undergarments’ to keep the mist from getting on your private areas.
This one’s pretty self explanatory… if you’re a woman, wear some type of “minimal coverage” underwear.

Spray Tan Tip #5:  Make sure there’s ventilation wherever you ‘re getting your spray tan.
The best place would be in the open air, or a well-ventilated salon.  The worst would be a closed booth with no fan.

Does This Apply To Getting An Airbrush Spray Tan

Yep.  Same rules apply.

When your technician sprays your face, make sure you have on eye protection, a nose filter, and lip balm.

When they spray your ‘private’ areas, make sure you have some type of underwear on.

And finally, make sure the airbrush tan is applied outside, or in an extremely well-ventilated area.  Please don’t do it in your garage!

The Safest Way To Self Tan

Before I leave, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the best way to get a great sunless tan without putting yourself at any kind of risk.

If you want to be absolutely sure, do your self tanning at home with a lotion, cream, gel, milk or mousse.

With these self tanning products, you don’t have to worry about inhaling them.  Just keep them off of your eyes, lips and other ‘mucous membranes’ and you should be good to go.  To see which products we recommend, click here.

As we’ve said time and again, the main ingredient in self tanning products has been approved by the FDA for over 40 years.

And these products are endorsed and recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology, the Mayo Clinic, the American Medical Association and the Skin Cancer Foundation.

So there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with self tanning, or even spray tanning for that matter.

Just be sure to stay smart, and follow the guidelines laid out by the FDA.

What do you think about spray tanning and self tanning in general?  Be sure to head on over to Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and let us know your thoughts!